Getting ready for the future of work

The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is here. In its wake comes unbelievable disruption to everything. Today’s skills will become mostly moribund in the face of industry 4.0 (I 4.0). Organizations need to proactively learn about the effect of the coming tsunami of change and factor the likely effects into their strategic plans. Investment into staff must be shaped by the future of work. Because of the anticipated increase in the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) combined with both the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and or wireless connectivity, many tasks now done by people will be taken up by intelligent machines with capacity to learn and self-correct. It is smart to learn to identify the skills for worker 4.0 and also appreciate the technologies that can be harnessed for optimized productivity.

The Training
The 3-5-day training is intended to prepare organizations for the future of work by creating scenarios that position the organizations to exploit the radical change rather than be destroyed by it.

The Audience
Senior managers and IT professionals.