In this one to two-week training leaders acquire agility skills including creativity, critical thinking, strategic thinking, leading, governing, pioneering, harnessing diversity and self-management..

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Participants will explore development models and acquire cutting-edge public-sector leadership skills in the age of VUCA (volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). Trend analysis will be used to model and contextualize the public sector of the future.

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In this one-week training participants will receive winning skills on agility and leading others on the change journey without leaving any behind. Tools to proficiently lead change will be explored.

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This is a bootcamp type of training. Practical hands on, producing a corporate scorecard by the 5th and final day.

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In this training, participants acquire mentorship and coaching skills. Organizations get to know how establish a mentorship infrastructure, implement, monitor and evaluate the program.

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The training therefore includes conceptualizing performance management; employee trust and commitment, performance culture, creating intrinsic motivation; aligning employee experiences; reward management and handling conflict.

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The one-week training explores challenges faced by women leaders and imparts leadership skills tailored to women. The art of effective communication is a must for all leaders but particularly for a sector that already starts off at a disadvantage given the ceiling, side walls and floor glue alluded to in the previous paragraph.

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The 3 to 5 day training is intended to prepare organizations for the future of work by creating scenarios that position the organizations to exploit the radical change rather than be destroyed by it.

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You develop the skill set, tools and frameworks for action plans to address challenges and boost your board’s performance. Board of directors training puts you in touch with the latest best practice research and offers evaluation of best practice boards.

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Acquire versatile skills that enable board confidence and add true value to the organization. Address dilemmas, uncertainty, and doubt in the face of increasing expectation. Assure and ensure ethical boldness.

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Participants receive state of the art models, knowledge, and skills for setting a road map for the organization. This is a practical course utilizing a hands-on approach to learning. The facilitator expects a live strategic plan of the concerned organization.

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Participants navigate this powerful emotional intelligence pillar by doing self-discovery and impressions made; understanding others’ personalities and impressions they make. The role of communication in relationships; and the experiences from the outside-in perspective.

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Be able to use tools for setting operational and strategic direction and measure organizational effectiveness. Should also be able to apply techniques to develop creativity and create an ambience supportive environment for innovation.

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The training will impart skills to track employees’ experiences and adopt a holistic approach to talent management.

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Confidence in speech writing and speaker or presenter. Be able to produce and present powerful speeches. Practice addressing audiences, writing impromptu and elevator pitches.

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The course builds capability to ‘think out of the box’, engage in critical thinking; assess own leadership and management abilities; coach subordinates; audit and launch an appropriate organizational culture.

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This cluster include training that enhances ability for teams to effectively work together in activities or processes that well designed to produce customer magic moments that delight rather than create misery for clients. The cluster seeks to create a seamless organization that is well aligned and focused.

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Participants will be taken on a 360 degree path of self-discovery. We will uncover personality, character, perceptions, and attributions to build clarity and insight. The training explores the four pillars of EQ with practical applications for the participants to maximize lesson uptake.

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Both individuals and organizations frequently get caught in the rut of routine and lose their sense of purpose. It does not matter how well one is doing. There is room for raising the game. This course is designed to reignite passion for a new take off.

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Mihatchi offers advisory or consultancy services in organizational development and management. All services are as per request or by response to client advertisements. Core areas include strategy; balanced scorecard; performance management; change management; organizational review.

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Executive mentoring and coaching are provided on request. Fees for these services are negotiable considering a variety of factors including whether the mentorship is informal or formal, company paid or personal, seniority of the coachee or mentee etc.

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