Strategic Planning

The saying ‘fail to plan, plan to fail’ is not a cliché. It is a fact. The rise and fall of strategic planning collapsed a long time ago. It was simply presumptuous. In an age of extreme turbulence, the only way to create some stability is to plan. Planning is an attempt to create the future, or a semblance of it. The reality may turn out to be different but that is ok. Plans are not curved in stone. Planning skills are more essential now than ever. The program navigates the global-local environment to create a conceptual canvas for setting an organizational trajectory to future success.

The Training
Participants receive state of the art models, knowledge, and skills for setting a road map for the organization. This is a practical course utilizing a hands-on approach to learning. The facilitator expects a live strategic plan of the concerned organization.

The Audience
All planning officers and senior managers.