High performing individuals and orgs (1 week)

“All serious daring starts from within” – unknown

Excellence in individuals, teams and organizations is hindered by many things. The focus of the training is both personal and organizational skill sets. For individuals, the course focuses on potential, emotional and global intelligence. Others are goal setting and mindset change. The course provides a road map for personal discovery and transition. It recognizes that the era for soporific theories is long past. Personal effectiveness begins within while organizational effectiveness is predicated on effective individuals and deliberate systems and building blocks. These are desperate times. Competition is at once global. Organizations must perform at world class to be sustainable. This calls for unusual performance both at individual and corporate levels.

The Training
Both individuals and organizations frequently get caught in the rut of routine and lose their sense of purpose. It does not matter how well one is doing. There is room for raising the game. This course is designed to reignite passion for a new take off.

The Audience
Individuals looking to move to a new level in their personal lives. C-Suite individuals/C-level executives who want to lift their organizations to new levels and people nearing retirement, retiring, or retired and want to ignite a new passion for the next phase of their life.

Other courses in this cluster include:

  • 1. Discovering the path to personal destiny.
  • 2. Managing time, presentation, and stress.
  • 3. Managing personal finances.
  • 4. Personal branding.
  • 5. Preparing for retirement.